6 Feelings You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed to Talk Out Loud About

There are feelings that many people think it is not customary to talk about. Some are shy to talk about them for fear of disapproval from others or fear of appearing too emotional. Others find it difficult to express their emotions. But it’s not worth it to remain silent about them – in some cases, such a habit can lead to negative consequences. We’ve collected feelings about which it’s important to talk out loud.

About What You’re Afraid of

It doesn’t matter what you’re afraid of, the dark, the elevator or a little spider on the floor. Don’t be ashamed to talk about it. First, because it’s not embarrassing because fear is a natural human emotion. Second, the people around you can support you.

For example, by listening and sharing your fears, or chasing away the spider that scared you.

About Being Disrespected by the Person You’re Talking to

Disrespectful communication, no matter how we are treated or who the person we are talking to is unacceptable. And if you notice a conversation going that way, it’s important to say so. If you tolerate too long and silence your dissatisfaction, eventually it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

For example, the interlocutor may think that there is nothing in his words that offends you, and allow himself to continue in the same spirit. And the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to prove him wrong. Cut off the disrespect as soon as you notice it.

About Being Proud of Yourself

Many people attribute pride in themselves to selfishness or a desire to appear better than others. This may be true, but in those cases where people over-praise themselves or basically have the attitude that they are superior to everyone else in everything.

Within reason, being proud of winning at a sportsbook Canada or getting a diploma is important for self-esteem, extra motivation, and good humor.

About Feeling Uncomfortable

Imagine the situation: you come to visit, and the owner of the house invites you to the festive table, allocating a place on the couch. It is too low and you are not comfortable to sit at all. Besides, the plate is too high, which adds to the discomfort. And there are seats at the other end of the table with chairs that are higher than the couch.

Many people in this situation won’t hesitate to ask to be re-seated, while others will tolerate the discomfort so as not to embarrass the host of the house or another guest with whom they will have to switch seats.

It’s important to talk about how uncomfortable you are in any situation. This skill will not only help to create a supportive environment, as in the example we gave. The more often you talk about what makes you uncomfortable, the clearer you make it clear to those around you what boundaries you adhere to – in friendships, at work, in relationships.

About Being Upset

We can make a habit of saying that everything is fine, only to not talk about how upset we are. We hide negative feelings behind a fake smile and the appearance that nothing happened.

But the more we suppress emotions and keep silent about how we feel, the worse we end up feeling. And that kind of reticence is also bad for relationships if it’s the cause of your frustration.

As hard as it is, learn to talk about what caused your sadness with people who can support you or who made it happen. The more often we talk about these kinds of topics, the easier it is to deal with the problem that caused your upset or to feel better about not being alone with it.

About Being Tired or Burned out

We can try not to show fatigue from doing everyday things or taking care of a child. And burnout at work is something normal and mundane. We hesitate to say that we need help or ask for an extra day off.

But fatigue and feelings of burnout accumulate and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Don’t hesitate to talk about it for your own well-being and health.

