7 Coworking Space Marketing Tips to Drive More Members

As a coworking space provider, you must prioritise marketing in addition to other day-to-day operations. After all, you’ll have a much tougher time recruiting new members if you don’t advertise. Here are some of the best ways to get people to join a coworking space, along with examples of successful marketing campaigns.

  • Begin with a quality website.

An easy-to-use and well-designed website should be one of the most crucial parts of any coworking space marketing strategy. Your website should be professionally designed and have all of the information that potential members require, such as hours, location, amenities, and cost. Andcards is a great example for a workspace provider with a quality website. Remember to provide links to other resources, such as a blog or social media profiles.

  • Make the most of social media.

A social media presence should be part of your coworking space’s marketing. Engage and encourage members on Twitter, publish news on Facebook, and promote hand picked photos of your space and events on Instagram. Consider whether your budget allows for Facebook Ads or other targeted social media ads.

  • Profit from content marketing.

You should also consider the advantages of content marketing for your coworking space. This can be accomplished by creating a blog on your website that provides information and suggestions to potential coworking members. You can also build backlinks to drive the right traffic to your website. To be efficient with content marketing, you must first understand what your target audience expects from a space and what makes your space unique from others. Don’t forget to apply search engine optimization (SEO) to get the most out of this marketing approach.

  • Advertising in and around public transportation.

If your coworking space is in a city with a lot of commuters, make sure you put at least one advertisement in an area where these individuals will pass by every day. Take advantage of this built-in audience of commuters and business travellers who are having problems finding somewhere to work that isn’t a coffee shop. If your city allows it, pay for posters to be placed in local airports or popular hotels. You might even rent a billboard in a more suburban or rural setting.

  • Organise interesting events.

Holding events in your coworking space is one of the best ways to promote it because it allows people to check out the place while having a good time. Consider hosting more than simply networking events; consider what your local workers want, whether it’s a conversation with entrepreneurs, a yoga night, or a pop-up store for local firms. Show off your latest visitor management software, or other advanced feature that your coworking space can offer to grab the customer’s attention. If you don’t provide members with access 24 hours a day, consider renting out the area for private events after hours.

  • Strategically gift memberships.

Giving memberships to local experts in freelancing or business is an unexpected alternative that is one of the finest methods to attract coworking members. This will encourage those icons to come and visit, as well as arrange meetings or phone calls there, spreading the word about your coworking space for the cost of a membership.

  • Timeline for marketing.

The earlier you begin advertising a coworking space, the better. Share images of the room on Instagram as soon as you begin putting it together to let people know about it. The majority of your marketing will begin when you are set to open, but make sure you continue to market the place after that.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing a coworking space. But that’s part of the appeal: you get to choose how your space is presented to the large number of freelancers, startups, and companies who are flocking to the coworking movement. You’ll find that advertising isn’t as difficult as it appears if you start early and keep consistent.

