Which are the Main Side Effects of a Hair Transplant? Medpoint Global

Hair transplant procedures are the most effective when fighting androgenic hair loss. However, like all surgical procedures, they also have risks. The biggest risk its patients face is paying unqualified surgeons.

Patients are advised to consult their doctor first to know what to expect before and after the surgery. Hair transplant became popular in the early 80s and was mainly used for cosmetic purposes. However, patient interest has shifted over the last decade.

The most common side effects of a hair transplant include;

1. Bleeding Scalp

A bleeding scalp is one of the main side effects of a hair transplant, but it occurs in rare instances. However, this condition is treatable when detected early, but it needs extra stitching. Besides a bleeding scalp, these individuals also experience various scalp infections after the procedure.

These scalp injections are also rare but cause severe pain.

2. Itching

The patient’s scalp starts itching due to the crust and scabs that form at the wound. Itching should end immediately and these areas heal, which normally takes around one week. Patients are warned against scratching their scalp because it will only worse the condition.

Most hair transplant patients also experience swelling on the eyelids or face. The swelling starts four days after the surgery because of the high edema production, but it diminishes after three days.

3. Scalp Discomfort

Hair transplant patients experience intense tightness and pain the first few days after this surgery. However, doctors prescribe painkillers to combat this pain. Pain is mainly felt in the donor area and not the recipient. You should continue taking painkillers if the pain persists and consult your doctor.

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4. Numbness and loss of Sensation

Most patients experience loss of sensation and numbness right after having this surgery that lasts around three weeks. The scalp also experiences a lot of shock in this surgery that causes shock loss.

However, it is normal for the body to act this way, and this reaction mainly happens in the form of abrupt hair loss. Shock loss is temporary as new hair replaces it shortly. The hair regrows six to seven months after the procedure.

5. Red Skin

Scalp redness is also another common side effect of a hair transplant. This reddish skin happens because the scalp underwent intense stress, making a large portion of blood go to the head. This reddish skin mainly occurs during the first week and diminishes as time goes by.

However, further scalp discoloration indicates an infection, and you should consult your doctor immediately.

6. Scars on the Surgical Sites

Most physicians and clinics site their procedures as “scar free,” but this is impossible. All surgical procedures have scars, including the most developed ones. Tiny scars remain after a hair transplant, mainly on the follicle’s previous location.

However, these scars are not easily noticeable unless with a detailed examination.

Final Thoughts

Hair transplant procedures are becoming increasingly common, and it is hard not to see why. Like all surgical procedures, they have side effects, and the above article has outlined some.

