A professional golfer, Kevin has been on the mini-tour for 18 months. Because he has the tendency to overthink and worry about performance, effective routines are very important. He begins his routine the day before the first day of the tournament. He gets off the golf course by 2 p.m. that day, because he knows that being relaxed is more critical than getting more practice.
The night before the tournament begins, Kevin hangs out in his hotel room. He may do a cardio workout. Then he eats dinner around 6 p.m. After dinner, he goes back to the hotel and watches a movie. This helps him relax and get his mind off of golf. Kevin is a very spiritual person, so he also spends time in prayer and meditation as part of his routine the night before the tournament begins.
On the morning of the tournament, Kevin starts with a healthy breakfast and arrives at the course at least an hour ahead of time. He doesn’t want to be rushed. He has a set routine that he goes through on the range.
He plays the first three holes on the course, which helps him to warm up physically as well as mentally. Then Kevin proceeds to the short-game area to get his feel with putting and chipping from various distances. He makes sure to remain calm and centered. He goes over his mental reminders for the day and sees himself blasting his tee shot down the middle of the fairway.
Lastly comment
You already have routines (whether you’re aware of them or not), because you engage in certain behaviors and thoughts before practices and games. In this section, we walk you through developing effective routines. You can fine-tune your existing routines, too — you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Routines aren’t carved in stone. You’ll want to evaluate your routines periodically and adjust them as you go, from one practice or competition to the next, and from one season to the next.