Doing exercise daily is hands-down the easiest and the simplest way to keep yourself healthy. Even if it is the bare minimum you are doing, it is the least you can do for your body. People start with their exercise once they get diagnosed with diabetes. Well, it is not wrong even after getting diagnosed, but it is something that every individual should be doing. Exercise is a way of keeping our body parts active and healthy.
The number of exercises cannot be started in one line or even in a paragraph. For instance, let us say that exercise cures most of your problems and body aches, from keeping your body weight in control to maintaining your cholesterol level, reducing anxiety, and strengthening your muscles. Therefore, the first thing people diagnosed with diabetes do is to exercise regularly. Because for people with diabetes, there are some added benefits, like boosting the body’s sensitivity to insulin, lowering the blood sugar level, and countering insulin resistance.
Being diabetic is a disease that slowly keeps on deterring your body organs, and you would not even know about it until it suddenly stops working. Exercise helps in keeping organs fit and working smoothly. Well then, I do not see any chance of not exercising, especially when you are diagnosed with diabetes. So let’s look at it more deeply and understand how exercise helps in diabetes.
Benefits of Exercising Regularly
There are not just one or two but multiple benefits of exercising regularly; let us see what these are:
- All forms of exercises, be it aerobics, resistance, or combined, help people with diabetes lower HbA1c levels. This is not just limited to people with diabetes but also to people with no disease.
- It is a well-proven fact that people who walk, not even exercise but walk for two hours a week, are less prone to die from any heart disease. So eventually, people who exercise for more than this, say 3-4 hours a week, are reducing their chances of getting any heart disease even more.
- Aerobics and resistance training is said to be excellent ways of reducing weight while combining them would be even more beneficial than just one of them.
- Your body becomes much more flexible with regular exercise while your joints become more vigorous.
- Being healthy is one of the best ways to reduce stress. While exercising, a hormone called endorphin is released, which is said to be the happy hormone.
- Studies also showed that women with diabetes who worked out moderately or even vigorously have about 40% fewer chances of developing heart disease.
- It also helps maintain your blood pressure, and high blood pressure is another sign of high blood sugar levels.
This was all about exercising regularly, but what about the correct method for it and maintaining a record of it?
There is nothing that you cannot get help with within this tech-savvy world. The technology develops rapidly, especially concerning information processing, communication, designs, and features. Do you see where it is going? Smartphones and apps have developed at such a pace that they are now one of the most used sources for keeping patient data metrics, records of activities and their levels, etc. But again, which app or website to pick while maintaining our exercise records and other patient data metrics? Here you go, here we have made this list of some excellent apps that can help you with this:
Klinio App
Klinio, the innovative diabetes management app, is a customized diabetes and weight manager. The application was intended for the individuals who battle with the way of life illnesses, for example, hypertension, high sugar, cholesterol levels, weight, and so on. It offers adaptable schedules that align with the suggested day-to-day measures of sugar, cholesterol, and carbs.
The application’s designers involve a group of expert nutritionists who offer expert direction on diabetes to the board to hold your well-being under control. They guarantee you get a large portion of the consuming less calories plan and, surprisingly, cut down any additional load without being compelled to eat food sources you could do without.
T1 Exercise
The app was specifically developed as an exercise management tool for keeping all your records. It aids primarily the individuals who are on injections and daily medicines for maintaining their insulin levels. The best part about this app is that it first asks for all your records and data. After that, it starts with the basic level of exercise to maintain the proper routines and helps you most fascinatingly while retaining your blood glucose level.
One of the unique and most helpful apps. The app is developed to predict your glucose level while integrating your CGM data and your heart rate data. This is done through a wearable device attached to the person’s body, and it works with the fitness tracker Fitbit or Apple Watch. While keeping all these records, the app shows the best possible ways to stay healthy and keep your blood sugar level at an average rate. It supports all your patient data metrics while assisting you in the best possible ways.
Glucose Buddy
The app was developed for people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and typ2 diabetes. Here, you will have an entire log maintained of all your data like blood sugar level, medication doses, carbohydrate intakes, exercises, etc. Not just that, the app also offers to set a reminder to check your blood sugar levels regularly. Keeping a record of your glucose level in the blood helps you limit the sugar intake in your body and exercise more if the level is high.
Another one of the unique and helpful apps developed for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The app integrates a CGM system through Apple’s health app. With the app, you can log all your blood sugar level records, record them with your carbohydrate intake and exercise data, and even personalize it according to your requirements. While integrating with Apple’s Health app suggests you the proper routine and the right exercises schedule that you should have and follow regularly.
Well, the list goes on. With the technology evolving regularly, there are countless applications that one can use for maintaining a record of their sugar levels and exercise data in one place and even customize it according to their needs. It really is quite simple. All that is required is a nourishing( diet and a workout routine, and within no time, you will have your blood sugar level perfectly maintained. Even if you are not diagnosed with any diseases like diabetes, having a work routine is crucial as exercise plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.