How to train a cat? 7 main evasion

Let go of negative thoughts, get rid of bad habits, every cat owner should know the basics of educating cats, starting with misleading tips to erase from his mind and common mistakes to avoid. How to train a cat? We admit, it is not about taming a wild tiger! In order to properly raise your pet, you need to learn about its breed, character, health, weakness, other factors and to abandon the religions of your ancestors.

The desire to do good, or the fear of doing evil, enriches your daily life, and you want to do harm even when everything is harmful to your pet. Even if the mistake is personal, take appropriate steps to keep your roommate, his diet, his or her hygiene and care up, his or her growth and education clear.

  1. How to train cats? Give the milk first

This is a complete lie! Alas, from a young age, you thought you were doing a good thing by giving a little milk to the stray cats that came to visit you. Cow’s milk, especially lactose, is difficult to digest, even for humans.

It can cause diarrhea or flatulence and thus irritate the digestive tract and its function. The best way to give her a drink is to have clean water, she is always using it, it is low in calories and very hydrating and flowing to the organism.

  1. 2. To think that a cat does not need a person, because it likes to be alone

Independent, migratory, sometimes lonely or ungrateful, a cat may look like a “false” companion animal that just needs to be fed. If you want him to stay home or come back to you from time to time after he leaves, you may want to kiss him, hug him, and talk to him.

To be successful, the cat adapts to its environment (pets, hunting, purring and its owner, signs in its place, marking its territory). But he who loves a calm, living and loving home, will be faithful to you as a dog, without hair.

  1. Taking a cat from birth: very cute!

A beautiful newborn cat! You cant wait any longer and want to take it as soon as possible. Attention, it is recommended that you do not take the cat before 2 months, the time of weaning. Taking it away from its mother quickly can lead to health problems in adulthood. She should be able to feed herself with a suitable cat kibble.

Again, other races have to stop feeling lonely, so your presence is much needed and much requested. Others, on the contrary, are more independent, however, you should not ignore their insignificant association in order to promote a better understanding within your home, with children, the elderly, animals. For more information, Zoomalia invites you to check out this blog post on the best travel cat breeds in French.

  1. Not teaching cats: what about good manners?

If canine education proves to be accurate and important, the truth remains the cat. Training a cat is dangerous, difficult, but impossible. From an early age, you need to set boundaries and teach your child how to clean a toilet and a clean trash can. Ditto nutrition, bi-nutrition and proper hygiene care.

To help you Train A Cat, this link offers you a number of tips and accessories such as a cat tree, post office, toys or even practical solutions for monitoring or adjusting its features (anti-stress, repellents, attractions, GPS collar).

  1. Loss of patience with your pet: wow!

What patience! Like a baby 😉 Knowing that a cat will react when its cat bites or scratches itself when it plays, you must reprimand it vigorously without resorting to violence. He will make mistakes all the time as long as he is young, the important thing is to give him a good and kind education without being angry with him and being smarter than feline!

  1. Do not inject, deworm, identify and / or remove it

Everyone is free to choose, but must make an informed choice. Consulting a veterinarian should keep your pet healthy. As for prevention, this shields from popular feline infections such as typhus, coryza, leukosis or rabies.

Deworming prevents the entry of insect pests as well as insect repellents, fleas, and other unwanted substances. Identification of his pet cat with a microchip or tattoo attached since 2012. It helps you locate your pet if it is lost or retrieve an unknown lost cat taken by you. Both veterinarians and accommodation can access the i-cad, the national identity file of meat eaters.

Finally, male cats reduce the risk of developing kidney stones, as in oophorectomy in females prevents the appearance of breast tumors. Throwing away stray cats reduces the number of stray cats, frequent rejection, euthanasia and the spread of infections such as IVF or leukosis. Aggressive, hot or unpredictable mewings for cats are used to significantly reduce, without compromising their quality of life, contrary to human reasoning.

  1. Forcing him to touch: you are the master!

Have you ever felt some reluctance when you took your cat in your arms? Or does it run faster when you just try out the physical features? The desire should come from him and not from you. The desire to live reminds him of how easy it is to behave like a rabbit and to instinctively mistrust him.

You can call her by name or seduce her, but you will not force her to rub your legs or yell at you. Try to establish a habit of gentleness between you during the meal (at meal) or in the evening before television, without insisting.
