Smart home technology is catching on across the country. So much so that the majority of American homes now have at least one smart device in them. But a single device does not make a home smart. If you want a truly smart home, one of the things you need to think about is installation.
Some of us are tech geeks and tinkerers. We love the thrill of setting up our own smart home systems. Buying new devices, connecting them, and getting them to work the way we want them to is a hobby. But it is not everyone’s cup of tea. And in fact, DIY installation isn’t always easy – even for the best tinkerers out there. Sometimes professional installation is the better way to go.
Are you thinking about getting on the smart home train? If so, have you been wrestling with DIY and professional installation? Here are some particularly good reasons to let the pros do it:
1. Your Tech Skills Are Limited
Whether you were to build a system from scratch or elect for a branded system from a company like Vivint Home Security, at least some tech knowledge is necessary to get systems up and running. That is why Vivint offers professional installation.
Step back and honestly assess your tech skills. If you struggle with things like mobile apps and checking email with your computer, you probably lack the tech skills necessary for installing smart home devices. By the way, there’s no need to be embarrassed. Not everyone gets technology. There are other things you are very good at that most tech geeks can’t do.
2. You Are Installing Security Devices
A smart home doesn’t necessarily have to include security devices to be considered smart. Your smart home system could consist of a collection of switches, plugs, smart appliances, and smart temperature control. If you do want security devices, they can be added. Doing so would be serious motivation to look at professional installation.
There is more to adding security devices than merely getting them connected to your network. Window and door sensors need to be installed correctly, or they will not work. Cameras need to be positioned in optimal locations you may be unaware of. Motion sensors need to be properly placed and then adjusted to just the right sensitivity.
If you are unfamiliar with the basics of home security planning and setup, this might be an area best left to professionals. They know how to deploy the equipment you need to make your home as secure as possible.
3. The Budget Allows for Professional Installation
Some folks who go the DIY route do so because they are working with a limited budget. They want to squeeze every ounce of life out of the money they spend, so they prefer to manage installation themselves. That’s great. But if a limited budget is not a problem for you, letting the professionals do it is a lot more convenient.
Unless you actually enjoy tinkering with smart home devices and networks, setting up a smart home system can be cumbersome. It can be frustrating, too. So why not hire someone if the budget allows? Let them deal with it while you sit back and relax.
I am a tech geek and tinkerer. I enjoy working on my system whenever I get the chance. But even I reach the boiling point of frustration every now and again when one of my devices doesn’t cooperate. I have been tempted to call in the professionals on more than one occasion. However, my limited budget prevented me from doing so. I probably would have succumbed had money been no object.
4. You Want Professional Monitoring
Smart home systems with security devices are more effective when they are monitored. They are most effective when they are monitored professionally. So here’s the thing: some companies are reluctant to monitor equipment they don’t install. This could be an issue if you are having trouble finding a monitoring provider.
If you have not yet begun deploying your smart home devices, consider what you plan to do about monitoring. Any plans for professional monitoring are motivation to look around and see what companies are offering. You might just discover that your best monitoring option also includes professional installation.
5. You Hope to Use Advanced Tech
One of the best reasons to bring in professionals is to get help installing advanced technologies. For instance, maybe you want to control your entire smart home system with your voice. On your own, you can probably set up basic commands. But if you want to be able to do things like change or modify programming with your voice, you are going to need a specialized setup.
As just one example, Amazon Alexa allows owners to add a whole library of custom commands and skills. But in order to utilize them, you have to have a special account with Amazon. You also need to know how to enable skills and modify basic scripts. Your average homeowner is not able to do it.
Another advanced technology is geolocation control. It is a technology that ties your smart home devices to the location of your smart home. Based on where you are at any given point in the day, your smart home can react accordingly. It can adjust the thermostat when you leave work and turn on the lights when you are a block from home. That’s just one example.
Like voice control, geolocation control is not the easiest thing in the world to master. So it’s worth having professionals come in if that’s the sort of thing you’re after.
The Choice Is Yours
I have offered you five valid reasons to choose professional installation for your smart home system. There may be others. But if any of these apply to your situation, give professional installation some thought. Unless you are a tinkerer and tech geek like me, going the DIY route could lead to more frustration than you really want to deal with.