Joseph Smear, Marc Cantor, Michael Arrington, and Robert Scobie offered a point of-view on the use of personal data—not just identity, but also their activity streams (“Bob just uploaded a photo…”) and the relationships they form (part of their personal social graph). The Social Web Bill of Rights is worth reviewing as you think through your Social CRM strategy. You can read more about the Social Web Bill of Rights here:
Beginning with the right to make an informed choice, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has suggested starting a Bill of Privacy Rights for people using social networking services
Define your ideal Social CRM platform: What are your business objectives, and who are you looking to create relationships with? How would your current customers fit into this, and how might they participate in your business or organization?
Arrange a meeting with your CIO or IT leadership to review the social capabilities of your current intranet or similar internal information sharing tools.
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Define the basic properties, to your business and to your employees. Explore the available internal (enterprise) applications that connect employees with each other and with customers and thereby enable efficient response and resolution with regard to customer-generated ideas or challenges
Lastly comment
Draw a map of how external information about a selected product or service currently flows through your business or organization and how it might (better) flow if internal collaboration were the norm or more fully developed and practiced.
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