What Social Business Resources?

Presented in the following section—more or less in the order that you will encounter or need these resources if you’re working through the social business planning process for the first time—are a set of resources that will help shape your thinking around the application of social technology to your business.

Before beginning, scan these resources. There’s no sense stumbling where someone else has already tripped up, and was then thoughtful enough to reflect on it and write up a better practice. Move faster and get further by learning from those who have been through this already. As you gain your own experiences, rsi forex, consider sharing them within the social business community

Altimeter has compiled a representative listing of social computing policies, including large and small businesses as well as nonprofit and service organizations. You will find the listing by searching “social computing policy examples” or by visiting the following URL:

Click here to know more about magazine4news.

A highly recommended resource for marketers and similar business professionals interested in B2B application of social media and social technology is “Social Media Today,” cofounded by Jerry Bowles and Robin Carey. Social Media Today includes contributions by literally hundreds of the best social media/ B2B thinkers and practitioners.

The International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) offers resources for researchers interested in social network planning and performance. INSNA hosts the annual Sunbelt conference, centered on social network use and analysis.


Finally, if you want to roll up your sleeves and try some of this yourself, the following will get you started. You’ll actually be amazed at how easy it is to add basic social capabilities to nearly any existing site. It makes you wonder why everyone isn’t doing this already.

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